Health Check


Heart Calcium Scoring CT Scan


SKU:: 0010

For person who does not meet the criteria in above group, they also can do this test. If they desire to screening the heart diseases.

***This procedure is not suitable for persons during pregnancy or planning for pregnancy.

Preparing to undergo the procedure
1. No special preparation is necessary in advance of a calcium scoring CT
2. Please contact CT department 15-30 minutes before your appointment time to change your clothes.

Examination Process
1.The technologist begins by positioning you on the CT exam table, lying flat on your back.
2. ECG electrodes will be attached to your chest.
3. Patients are asked to hold their breath for a period of 5 to 10 seconds.
4. The procedure takes about 15 minutes.


Heart screening package (Calcium scoring CT)

Coronary artery disease refers to a condition caused by the coronary arteries being blocked or constricted. Calcium scoring CT method is non-invasive test, no contrast and uses small amount of radiation to detect the calcium plaque inside your artery walls.

Who should take this screening test
1. People age 40 or above
2. Diabetes
3. High blood pressure
4. High blood lipids (fats)
5. People with a family history of cardiovascular diseases
6. Smoking
7. Overweight or obese
8. Lack of exercise
9. Stress